• Sample Panoramic Image

    Class of '21 Conrad Senior Yearbook Portraits and Panoramic Pictures will be

    February 10th and 11th, 2021
    At Conrad High School


    2021 Yearbook Senior Portraits:  

    Ladies, please, wear black spegetti straps. Gentlemen, please wear a white tshirt. 

    You are able to purchase your senior portraits from Logans Photography afterwards for $25. Pictures will be edlievered to Conrad for curbside pickup! 


    2021 Senior *Panoramic* Pictures:

    Our *panoramic* picture will be a collage of everyone's INDIVIDUAL headshot! Just like the above sample. 

    Seniors, please, wear conrad colors, sports jerseys or club shirts! 

    You are able to purchase your *panormanic* pictures from Goldbeck Photography afterwards for $25. Pictures will be delievered to Conrad for curbside pickup!