• Academic Success Program

    College Advisors 
    Mrs.Chamerblin | mchamberlin@aspdallas.org  
    Mr.Gutierrez | agutierrez@aspdallas.org

    What is the Academic Success Program?

    Housed within the high school, the Academic Success Program is hired directly by school districts to provide professional comprehensive college counseling to high school students in 9th through 12th grades. ASP is more than a college application assistance program. ASP works with students at every level to prepare them to be college-ready by graduation. At the core of every ASP high school campus is the ASP College Advisor, a full-time expert, that tailors the program to the needs of individual campuses. Students and families receive personalized college guidance based on their family’s needs, SAT/ACT preparation and registration assistance, parent meetings, writing workshops and college essay assistance, professional resume assistance, college interview seminars, college field trips, and financial aid workshops. At every step of the way, the ASP College Advisor is there to help the students navigate the labyrinth that is today’s college admissions process.


    Where are we located?

    We are located in the Library in the College Corner! Stop by and visit us anytime during, before, and after school! We are here on Wednesdays until 6 pm. 

    Senior Google Classroom Code: rr2pomj

    Senior Remind Code: Text 81010 @aspwtw23

    Junior Google Classroom Code: ks2w7yu

    Junior Remind Code: Text 81010 @aspwtw24


    We can help you with:

    College Advising

    College Apps

    College Essays

    College Resumes


    SAT and ACT Prep

    Financial Aid

    Career Development





    Applying to College

    • The Common Application – Application used for private and out-of-state college and universities. List of schools that use this application is available on the CommonApp website. ()
    • Apply Texas – The "common" application used by all Texas public and private colleges and universities. ()


    Financial Aid

    • Dallas County Promise Pledge: Financial Support ()
    • FAFSA - Free Application for Federal Student Aid ()
    • FSA ID – Legal signature for the FAFSA Application ([.%20fsaid.ed.gov/]www. fsaid.ed.gov)
    • TASFA - Financial Aid for Students born outside the US (please stop by to pick a copy to fill out)



    Instagram: @aspcollegecorner