• Helpful Information

      If an AP inquiry is needed, please submit your request using the . When contacting Accounts Payable, having the following helpful information available will assist our team in providing speedy and excellent customer service.

      Invoice Related: At least two of the following.

      • Purchase Order Number
      • Requisition Number
      • Invoice Number
      • Payment Number
      • Vendor Name

      Travel Related: At least two of the following.

      • iExpense Report Number
      • Payment Number
      • Traveler Name

      Submit your service ticket request here: 

      • Training Information

        If training is needed, please submit a request in the  to the ATS team by clicking the link below. They will get back with you to address your needs (but tickets are required). 

  • Dallas Independent School District
    9400 N. Central Expressway Box 27
    Dallas TX 75231
    Phone: (972) 925-3362 [Call Center]
    You may also contact: apcustomercare@dallasisd.org