• Learners Today, Leaders Tomorrow

  • Mission: 

    North Lake Early College High School is committed to the formation of lifelong learners through its academic excellence, global citizenship, empowerment of others and unity of purpose.

    North Lake Early College High School está comprometida con la formación de aprendices de por vida a través de su excelencia académica, ciudadanía global, empoderamiento de otros y unidad de propósito.


    North Lake Early College High School will be a nationally recognized, elite early college dedicated to graduating all students with the skills to be creative thinkers and global leaders of tomorrow.

    North Lake Early College High School será una universidad temprana de élite reconocida a nivel nacional dedicada a graduar a todos los estudiantes con las habilidades para ser pensadores creativos y líderes mundiales del mañana.


    • Authenticity
    • Boldness
    • Grit
    • Innovation
    • Integrity 
    • Leadership