• SEM Club List 

    This is an alphabetical list of the clubs offered.

    • Academic Decathlon - Students study thematic materials within ten subjects and attend competitions. 
    • Art Club - Students will share and discuss art in various mediums. 
    • Board Games - Students will participate in friendly competitions playing various board games. 
    • Book Club - Students will share recommended books and choose books to read and discuss. 
    • Card Playing Club - Students will learn and play various card games 
    • Chemistry Olympiad - Students will participate in competitions for chemistry. 
    • Chess - Students will learn the basics of chess and can attend competitions. 
    • Chinese Culture Club - Students learn about Chinese culture and language. 
    • Crochet Club - Students learn basic crochet stitches, how to make simple items with crochet. 
    • D&D Club - Students engage in the role playing game and develop campaigns. 
    • Debate - Students learn the basics of debating, become informed on a theme through provided materials, and attend competitions. 
    • Environmental Education Initiative - Students explore environmental based issues and develop experiments. 
    • Esports  - Students play selected video games in a competitive environment. 
    • Film Club - Students learn about and discuss films. 
    • FTC Robotics - Students build robots and attend competitions. 
    • Gardening Club - Students learn the basics of gardening. 
    • Gay/Straight Alliance - Students learn about issues for the lgbt+ community.
    • Girls Who Code - Students learn about coding.
    • Guitar Club - Students learn the basics of guitar playing. 
    • Hope Squad - Students work together for outreach to others on campus.
    • Logic Club - Students discuss logic. 
    • Machine Learning and AI - Students learn about machine learning and artificial intelligence. 
    • Mock Trial - Students learn the basics of courtroom etiquette and argument, and they attend competitions. 
    • Movie Club - Students watch and analyze movies
    • Music Appreciation - Students listen to, share, and discuss music. 
    • National Honor Society - National society for high school students. 
    • Newspaper/Website - Students publish information about school activities and events. 
    • Physics Team - Students will participate in competitions for physics. 
    • Ping Pong - Students learn about and play Ping Pong 
    • Pokemon Go Club - Students learn about, discuss, and become active in search for Pokemons
    • Pop Culture Club - Students discuss various elements of pop culture. 
    • Rocket Club - Students build and launch rocket models. 
    • Spark STEM - Students learn about and explore STEM fields. 
    • Senior Activities Planning Group - Students plan events for seniors.
    • SHPE/NSBE - Organizations for students in STEM. 
    • Social Emotional Learning Club - Students evaluate and plan for school improvements that will benefit the student body.
    • Student Council - Students plan school events and relay ideas about student activities. 
    • Students Demand Action - Students discuss actions that can be taken to improve student experience. 
    • TAME - Organization for students in STEM.
    • TMSCA - Academic competitions including Number Sense, Calculator, General Math, and Science.  
    • Tutoring Club - Students help other students with various subjects. 
    • UIL Academics - Academic competitions Math, Spelling, Science. Journalism, Current Events, and Computer Science. 
    • VEX Competition Team (VRC) - Students participate in robotics competitions. 
    • Video Game Club - Students discuss, recommend, and play video games. 
    • Volunteering Club - Students discuss and find opportunities for volunteering. 
    • Yearbook - Students create the school yearbook. 
    • Young Women in Science and Engineering (YWISE) - Students learn about topics in STEM.