• Language and Literature

    Language is fundamental to learning, thinking and communicating; therefore it permeates the whole curriculum. Indeed, all teachers are language teachers, continually expanding the boundaries of what students are thinking about. Mastery of one or more languages enables each student to achieve their full linguistic potential.

    As well as being academically rigorous, MYP language and literature equips students with linguistic, analytical and communicative skills that can also be used to develop interdisciplinary understanding across all other subject groups. Students' interaction with chose texts can generate insight into moral, social, economic, political, cultural and environmental factors and so contributes to the development of opinion-forming, decision-making and ethical reasoning skills, and further develops the attributes of an IB learner.

    The aims of MYP language and literature are to encourage and enable students to:  

    • use language as a vehicle for thought, creativity, reflection, learning, self-expression, analysis and social interaction
    • develop the skills involved in listening, speaking, reading, writing, viewing and presenting in a variety of contexts
    • develop critical, creative and personal approaches to studying and analyzing literary and non-literary texts
    • engage with text from different historical periods and variety of cultures
    • explore language through a variety of media and modes
    • develop a lifelong interest in reading
    • apply linguistic and literary concepts and skills in a variety of authentic contexts.