• Hector P. Garcia Middle School 

    Academic Integrity Policy

    Hector P. Garcia Middle School is an authorized International Baccalaureate MYP World School.

    For further information about the IB and its programmes visit .


    School Mission and Vision Statement

    Our vision: Transform Hector P. Garcia into an exemplary campus where all scholars will have the opportunity to reach their full academic, emotional, and social potential through intercultural understanding and respect.

    Our mission: Leading transformation as a model of excellence through action-oriented service and college and career-ready expectations.

    Philosophy & Commitment 

    At Hector P. Garcia Middle School, the faculty and staff, provide the academic tools and the emotional support and the appropriate social growth in order to meet the Dallas Independent School District Mission Statement, “To prepare all students to graduate with the knowledge and skills to become  productive and responsible citizen” as well as the mission statement from Hector P. Garcia Middle School, “Leading transformation as a model of excellence through courageous, college-ready expectations.”

    With collaborative team planning and online or face to face training, the faculty strives to meet the needs of the students.  In order to uphold these values, the high expectations of the faculty will provide the backbone of academic honesty and encourage excellence in the final pieces of work from the students.   

    Core Values

    Hector P. Garcia Middle School, under the direction of David Lee, head of school, has 3 major areas of focus:  High expectations, kindness, and respect.  Academic Honesty is emphasized in their classwork, extended learning, assessments, and academic interactions. 

    In the past year, Hector P. Garcia has become one of the District’s innovative schools and also a choice school.  With these opportunities of providing the instructional groundwork, the faculty will be able to “Transform Hector P. Garcia into an exemplary campus where all scholars will have the opportunity to reach their full academic, emotional, and social potential through intercultural understanding and respect.”

    IB Learner Profile   

    As stated before, Hector P. Garcia Middle School strives for integrity as one of its core values.  In so doing, the students will utilize the attributes of the IB Learner Profiles to accomplish a foundation of  excellence in their presentations. 

    ¡ñ Inquirer – Acquires skills for purposeful, constructive research 

    ¡ñ Thinker – Applies thinking skills critically and creatively to solve complex problems 

    ¡ñ Communicator – Receives and expresses ideas in more than one language including the language of mathematical symbols 

    ¡ñ Risk-taker  – Approaches unfamiliar situations with confidence 

    ¡ñ Principled – Displays integrity, honesty and a sense of fairness and justice 

    ¡ñ Caring – Develops a sense of personal commitment to action and service 

    ¡ñ Open-minded – Respects the views, values and traditions of other individuals and cultures and is accustomed to seeking and considering a range of points of view 

    ¡ñ Balanced – Understands physical, mental and personal well-being 

    ¡ñ Reflective – Analyzes own strengths and weaknesses 


    Definitions and Examples of Academic Dishonesty, Expectations   

    Academic Misconduct 

    According to the MYP: From Principles into Practice, Understanding Academic Misconduct section, Academic Dishonesty is plagiarism, collusion, duplication, cheating and other academic misconduct that allows a student(s) to falsify or showcase their achievements as their own work. 


    “For most MYP assessments, students are expected to work independently but with appropriate support from teachers and other adults, although there are many occasions, when collaboration with other students is an important part of the learning process.” (MYP: From Principles into Practice 94). 


    Intellectual property 

    According to the Oxford dictionary, intellectual property is a work or invention that is the result of creativity, such as a manuscript or a design, to which one has rights, and for which one may apply for a patent, copyright, and trademark. There are five types of intellectual property: patents, copyrights, trademark, franchises, and trade secrets. Forms of intellectual and creative expression for example, works of literature, art or music must be respected and are normally protected by law.       

    It may be impossible to produce a statement that encompasses all forms of malpractice. Therefore, any breach of academic integrity will result in a referral to the MYP Principal Coordinator with academic consequences.  

    Table 1. Definitions and explanations of academic dishonesty Plagiarism  






    The representation of the ideas or work of another person as the student’s own.

    Presenting as your own (with or without the author’s permission) information collected, organized, or written by someone else.    

    In the arts, plagiarism can include taking someone’s ideas or concepts and portraying them as your own.     

    Plagiarism can be both intentional and unintentional, but both are treated the same way.  

     Some examples: 

       * Copying an article from a website and not giving credit--but not understanding you had to give credit--is still plagiarism. Always ask your teacher if you should give the original author credit if you are unsure.  

       * Copying and pasting information from a website into your work, and then failing to give the website credit. 

      * Reading an article or other text, taking ideas from it, and then claiming them as your own ideas.    

    To Avoid Plagiarism:

    If you ever use someone else’s words or ideas, give them credit. In the same sentence where you copied their ideas or words, you must mention the author or location where you found the information. Using outside sources makes a better argument and gives your work greater credibility.








    Supporting academic misconduct by another student, as in allowing one’s work to be copied or submitted for assessment by another.       

    * You let another student copy from your homework. 


    * The teacher gives a lab to be completed individually and you work with other students but submit the work with only your name on it. 


    * If the teacher gives work to be completed individually, you should not work with other students or give friends your work. This is known as unacceptable collusion. 


    * In an exam, test or quiz, you share your answers with other students taking the same exam, test or quiz. 


    * You are allowed to take an exam, test or quiz earlier than your peers and you share the material with them

    To Avoid Collusion:

    Always do your own work. If you are unsure, ask your teacher before you ask a classmate.    


    During an exam or other assessment, avoid talking or looking at classmates. Raise your hand to make a request to the teacher.






    The presentation of the same work for different assessment components.

    * You completed a Design Evaluation in MYP 4, and you copied parts of it to complete your Personal project Design related report in MYP 5.  

    To Avoid Duplication:

    Start a new document whenever you start a new assignment, and avoid copying anything from earlier work. Ask your teacher when you are unsure if you can borrow an idea from a previous piece of work.






    Behavior that gives an unfair advantage e.g. saying you have turned in an assignment when you did not do it by using cheat sheets, electronic devices, fabricating information trying to earn more time or credit on an assignment, project, or exam.   

    * Misrepresenting yourself on a summative task such as saying you have turned in an assignment when you did not.        * Using restricted material during assessment task/eAssessment, such as cheat sheets, or electronic devices.        

    ¡ñ Leaving the room during an assessment task/eAssessment and using restricted materials prior to returning.        

    ¡ñ Fabricating information to try to earn more time or credit on an assignment, project, or exam.

    To Avoid Cheating:

    Leave all electronic devices in your locker when taking an assessment/eAssessment. Avoid talking to or looking at classmates during an assessment. Be a principled human being and tell the truth.


    Ensuring Academic Integrity 

    Below are several strategies to ensure academic integrity at Hector P. Garcia Middle School.  As the students start to gather information for their personal projects and assessment, the school community and teachers will require academic integrity when completing their personal projects and assessments.     Below are several strategies to ensure academic integrity at Hector P. Garcia Middle School.  

    We encourage students to talk with their teachers and the librarian when they do not know when or how to reference a source.  

    • Students will learn and practice academic honesty as part of their ATL skill development across subject groups and Community Project.  

    • Students will receive an age-appropriate copy of the policy.  

    • Whenever we use someone else’s ideas or words, it is important we give credit to the source (whether internet, book, etc.) using MLA style. 

    • Students will use process journals in some MYP subject groups as well as the MYP personal project as a tool for promoting academic honesty.    

    • Teachers will be given instruction on how to cite sources using MLA.              

    • We use the MLA (Modern Language Association) Style across all subjects and grade levels.  

    • Teachers will clearly inform students whether work is to be completed individually or  collaboratively in groups (known as legitimate collaboration). 

    • If a test is given during class, the teacher will remind all students that possession of a restricted electronic device and materials violates the school’s academic honesty policy. 

    • The teacher will provide a place in the classroom for these devices but does not claim responsibility for the devices.   

    • At Hector P. Garcia, there will be examples of how to use the MLA style.  One source is Purdue Owl.  This website provides detailed examples of how to use in-text-citation to reference sources as well as how to make a works cited page.  

    • ELL students, where possible, may learn through their mother tongue and choose to work from multilingual sources. We also provide support for ELL students in regard to differences in cultural understanding of academic honesty.  


    Roles and Responsibilities 

    Implementing this academic honesty policy is the collaborative work of all the members of the school community, even though each one has a specific role and responsibility. 


    MYP Principal - Coordinator 

    • Create the academic honesty policy with teachers, reviewed by students and parent representatives in so doing motivates the school community to act honestly. 

    • Promote and encourage teachers to educate students regarding the policy.  

    • Enforce the consequences when a student violates the policy.  


    ¡ñ Implement the school’s academic honesty policy through relevant ATL skills development in all subject group classes. 

     ¡ñ Be role models in honesty for students. 

     ¡ñ Provide guidance regarding studying, writing an academic document, inquiring and citing sources so that students gain a clear idea of the purpose of correct citation and referencing in a variety of disciplines. 

     ¡ñ Promote a classroom environment that encourages academic honesty and critical thinking.  

     ¡ñ Enforce the consequences when a student violates the policy. 


    ¡ñ Support teachers and students in identifying good practice regarding academic honesty. 

    ¡ñ Help students obtain reliable information from various sources. 


    ¡ñ Learn and practice academic honesty as part of their ATL skill development and be aware that the coordinator, librarian and teachers are available to offer further advice and guidance. 

    ¡ñ Support the spirit of academic honesty both in attitude and action when completing all assignments.  

    ¡ñ Understand that no assignment is excluded from this policy.  

    ¡ñ Receive and sign a student version of this policy  to show comprehension and compliance with the school's Academic Honesty Policy.   


    ¡ñ Support the ethical values of honesty and integrity.  

    ¡ñ Share school’s enforcement of the academic honesty policy, especially with regard to work done outside of school.  

    ¡ñ Help and encourage students with schoolwork, but never do it for them. 

    Procedure for Violation 


    Suspected Violation of the Policy

    Upon each instance of a suspected violation of the school’s standards of Academic Honesty, the following procedure will be followed:                

    1. The teacher who assigned the work will carry-out an investigation. In the process, the teacher will: 

     ¡ñ Consult the MYP Principal Coordinator to determine a plan. 

     ¡ñ Consult with the student involved. 

     ¡ñ Consult with any other individuals who may be involved. 

     2. Ensure the rights of the student and those involved are not violated. 

     3. If the teacher determines the student is responsible for the misconduct, he/she will file an official Incident report. The form is sent to MYP Principal, Assistant Principal for that grade level and the IB Coordinator.

    4. To ensure the violation is not repeated, the student will meet with the teacher to learn what steps should be taken in the future to avoid this type of academic misconduct. The teacher should provide a summary of this meeting to the MYP Principal who will attach it to the original incident report.  

    5. The student will meet with the MYP Principal to reply to the findings of the investigation. A summary of this meeting will be attached to the original incident report.

    Works Cited

    “Hector P. Garcia Middle School Faculty Hand Book.” Google Accounts, Google, Sept. 2020, classroom.google.com/u/0/c/MTI2NjE5ODg2NjA1/m/MTU1Mzc1NjM5NzU2/details. 

    International School of Estonia MYP Academic Honesty Policy, 2015, www.ise.edu.ee/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/MYP/Academic-Honesty-Policy.pdf

    Lam U Jun, Melisa. “Academic Honesty | IBO Competition Winner (Film/Animation).” YouTube, YouTube, 12 Dec. 2016, www.youtube.com/watch?v=VwWR-6qNi-U&app=desktop. 

    International Baccalaureate Organization. MYP: From Principles into Practice, 2017,94.