• HB3 Reading Academies
  • Overview of Reading Academies

    Who Participates in the Reading Academies?

    Who Participates in the Reading Academies?
    • All K-3 Teachers (except Art, Music, and PE)
    • Elementary SPED & GT Teachers
    • Demo Teachers
    • Literacy Acceleration Specialists
    • Administrators (Principals and Assistant Principals)
    • District Coaches (ILCs)
    • Librarians/Media Specialists


    Targeted pathways to meet specific learner needs

    Targeted pathways to meet specific learner needs

    • General Education
    • Biliteracy
    • Science of Teaching Reading (STR)


    Comprehensive (Face-to-Face)  *default for all campuses
    This will be the default for all pathways during the 2024-25 school year.