
     lib cat

    Resources available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year!






     Click above to search for a book in the Library


    How to use the Library Catalog:

    1st Click on the Search box in LS2 Interactive Catalog and type in a Topic, Subject, Author, or Title

    search catalog


    2nd Scroll through the resources available



    To save a wanted title you can Place Hold or create a list of wanted items on Add to List

    You must log in to Place Hold or Add to List.


    Library Card Number or EZ Number is your Student ID Number if you are a DISD Employee the Library Card Number is 10 then your 5 digit Employee ID#. (Ex: 10#####)

    The Pin or EZ Password is the last 4 digits of your Student ID Number or Employee ID Number. (Ex: If your ID Number is 1012345, the Pin is 2345)

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