鶹Theory of Action

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How does the Theory of Action work if my school is in a special program (i.e. ACE, or OTI)?

  • Do I have to utilize all autonomies?

  • Are there exceptions where I can request an autonomy that my School Performance Framework (SPF) rating doesn't quality for?

  • If my current year School Performance Framework (SPF) rating is lower than my previous year, how long will it take for me to lose my previous year's autonomies?

  • How is access to autonomies affected if I am a new or transfer principal?

  • Who on my campus should be involved in the autonomy selection process?

  • Do I get access to my autonomies instantly, and if not, when and how do I know how to activate my autonomies.

  • If I choose autonomies but then do not use them, can I have the option to chose it next year?

  • The Parent Survey currently takes up 5% of the overall SPF rating, but what happens when a campus does not meet the minimum threshold to have parent surveys included in their results?

  • How does the SEI impact my SPF rating?