• Parent Involvement

    According to Dr. Karen Mapp, "Parent participation is the leading predictor that supports students' academic success, regardless of family race, socioeconomic status, ethnicity, or cultural background."  Click title below to access Parent's Guide to Student Success.
    DESA invites you to participate in your child's education.  The following are opportunities for you to get involved at DESA.  If you have an idea that isn't listed or want more information please contact Mrs. Streeter at (972) 794-3950.
    • Join PTSA & attend meetings
    • SBDM
    • Attend Literacy Nights
    • Campus Volunteers (weekly)
    • Career Day
    • Fall Carnival
    • Book Fair (December & spring)
    • School Field Trips
      • Glen Rose Camp Out (spring)
      • Environmental Science Center (fall and spring)
      • City of Dallas Public Works & Transportation
      • Perot Museum of Nature and Science
      • Partners in Education


    How Can Parents Help Their Children

    U.S. Department of Education  |  Helping Your Child Series  |  My Child’s Academic Success

    National Education Association  Parent Partnership Resources

    Reading is Fundamental: Literacy Resources


    Harvard Family Research Project