


    Education: B.S., Texas Woman’s University & Master’s in Counseling & Pre-Professional Counseling Amberton University.

    Certification: School Counseling & CTE

    A Little About Me: I absolutely LOVE counseling children of all ages especially Elementary! This will be my 23rd year in education and my 2nd year as a school counselor. I have taught elementary, middle school and High School for the past 22 years I Dallas, Tx.. I was a school counselor at Wilmer Hutchins Elementary for 1 year before heading over to Eddie Berniece Johnson Elementary School! I love helping children work through their struggles and helping them find out what their strengths are so they can become the best leaders in and out of the classroom. I can’t wait to work with all students here at EBJ Elementary, through Classroom Lessons, Small Groups, and individual intervention. My advice to anyone, is to be thankful for what you have and learn something positive from every situation (whether it is a good or bad situation). We all have obstacles, but it is how we face those obstacles that shows our true character! Be kind and remember to SMILE…because it is contagious!


    Contact Information 972 925-1907