Chapel Hill Clinic

  • Nurse Duyck It is our goal to promote the health and well-being of your student so they may be academically successful but we need your help. If your student has a serious or chronic medical condition, food allergies, or the need for medication to be administered at school, please visit the clinic and speak with the nurse.

    All students must show proof of required immunizations or be in the process of completing them. If you receive a notice of non-compliance, please get your student up to date as soon as possible. Students without proper immunizations are subject to exclusion from school. You can find details about the immunization requirements here.

    Consider enrolling your student in ! Enrollment must be done yearly. If your student becomes ill at school with things like an ear infection, rashes, strep throat or flu, they can be seen by a medical provider at Children's Medical Center via the Telehealth monitor in the clinic. The provider can diagnose and prescribe treatment without you having to leave work and take your student to a doctor's office. If you have insurance, the cost is the same co-pay you have at any other provider. Medicaid visits are completely covered. If you do not have insurance, the maximum cost is $50, and there are discounts available. Follow this link to find our more and enroll: 

    Wishing everyone a happy, healthy and successful school year!

    Mary Duyck, MSN, RN

    School Nurse

    Chapel Hill Preparatory

    Phone: 972-794-2405