• Welcome to the Stephen C. Foster Clinic! 

    It’s a fact that healthy children learn better – and that’s why Â鶹Çøprovides students comprehensive health care services at little or no cost to families. From physical and mental health care to refugee and homeless support services, Â鶹Çøis committed to meeting the needs of the whole child. A selection of clinic locations across the district provides families access health and wellness services in nearby schools or neighborhoods. In response to the needs of our large and diverse student population, we are proud to offer many services not readily available in other area school districts. We believe parents will find a wealth of services in Dallas ISD, and we encourage students and families to take full advantage of all that we have to offer!



    If your child becomes ill, please follow the guidelines below regarding when to keep your child home and when he or she may return to school:

    • Fever over 100.0 degrees - must be fever free for 24 hours without the use of fever reducing medications (Tylenol/advil)
    • Vomiting or Diarrhea - no vomiting or diarrhea for 24 hours before return
    • Strep Throat - home until 24 hours after first dose of antibiotic and fever free

    Keeping a sick child home prevents the spread of illness in the school community and allows the child the opportunity to rest and recover. If your child is sick and out of school, please notify the school by 8:30 AM.

    If your child is absent and has an excuse from the doctor, hospital, or dentist, your child has 3 days from his/her return to school to give to the office to receive an "excused absence". After the 3 day period, the system automatically marks it as an "unexcused absence".



    ALL medications given to students at school, whether over the counter or prescription, REQUIRE parent/guardian written authorization on the medical administration form (available in the clinic).

    Parent authorization accepted for up to 10 school days of medicaiton administration (2 school weeks). Any time after that, a physician signature is required.

    Students 3rd grade and above are allowed to carry and self-administer inhalers, diabetic medications and emergency allergy medications such as epinephrine pens only with a written physician consent and following assessment by the school nurse for the student's competency of administration skills and knowledge of symptoms.


    Erin Diener, RN
    Campus Nurse

     Phone: (972) 794-8128  

    Fax: (972) 794-8101