• What is the dual-language program?

    The Two-Way Dual Language Program at Rosemont uses the Gómez & Gómez 50/50 Dual Language Instructional Model. Each class is made up of half Spanish-dominant students, and half English-dominant students. Students receive instruction in both English and Spanish. Classes are paired with another class, with one Spanish-speaking teacher and one English-speaking teacher.

    What will my child's day be like?

    Students are grouped throughout the day either by homeroom (in which half the students are Spanish-dominant, and half English-dominant) or by native/dominant language. Students learn Language Arts with their native language class and teacher. With their homeroom class, they learn Mathematics in English and Social Studies/Science in Spanish. Library and specials follow the alternating language of the day. Adaptations may be made to insure student success.

    Beginning in Second Grade, students continue Language Arts in their native language and add Language Arts in their 2nd language.

    In Third through Fifth Grades, enrichment activities and bilingual resource centers are added.

    How do I sign up for the program?

    Come to the Kindergarten Roundup in January/February for more information about registration and enrollment.

    There are four Kindergarten classes. Spaces in the program are available on a lottery basis, with priority given to Rosemont attendance zone boundaries and families with siblings already enrolled in the program.

    Grades levels above Kinder may have openings upon occasion due to attrition. However, going into the program later than Kindergarten may present a situation in which the student may have a difficult time catching up with his or her classmates in language acquisition skills.

    What may I expect in terms of my child's language acquisition skills?

    While we acknowledge that each person acquires language in a very personal way, the staff of our Two-Way Dual Language Program has established the following milestones for the two languages. Kinder - Eight basic colors, numbers 1-10, six basic geometric shapes, days of the week, months of the year, basic school-day phrases plus: additional colors/shapes, numbers through 30. First – all Kinder milestones, plus: numbers through 100, basic math, science and social studies vocabulary (please contact your teacher or other Dual-Language staff for full list).

    Another point to appreciate is that children at this primary level will develop correct pronunciation with almost no apparent effort on their part at all.

    What may I expect in terms of educational progress in areas other than language skills?

    In some cases, children in the dual-language program lag behind native language learners in some subjects. They may not test as well in the early grades. However, after approximately 2-3 grades, dual-language learners not only catch up to their native language counterparts, they often surpass them in other subjects.

    What are the expectations of me as a parent?

    As with any other aspect of your child's education and development, your involvement is instrumental to ensuring the most favorable outcome. There are many opportunities to participate in the program as a parent, including planning/attending parent events; reading to students; participating in advisory committees; etc. To ensure the maximum benefit to your child and the program, ten hours of volunteer work per family are expected over the course of the school year.

    How will the dual-language program grow and change over time?

    The program grows vertically each year as students in the program advance to the next grade. Additional horizontal growth at Kinder is a possibility, but limited at this time primarily by demand.

    The goal is to add instruction in a third language for 6th grade and beyond.

    How are the teachers trained to teach this special curriculum? Do they attend classes, etc?

    Teacher certification and bilingual certification can be obtained through a university Bachelor of Science in Education program. Some teachers work with private tutors or attend summer classes abroad to enhance their Spanish proficiency in order to be able to pass the TOPT test for bilingual certification.

    The two doctors Gomez conduct training workshops periodically in the district. The training is a three-day seminar.

    Is my child being taught "less" of the traditional curriculum due to their involvement in this program?

    No, the curriculum objectives are the same. The difference is that some of the curriculum is being taught in the child’s 2nd language. They initially relay a great deal on the help of their Bilingual Pair (a language buddy whose dominant language differs from their own) to grasp what is expected to be learned.

    Is there a web-site where I can obtain addition information regarding the Gomez & Gomez Dual Language Model?

    Gomez & Gomez website: www.dlti.us

    Other useful/informative sites:





    What is the relevance or advantage of my child participating in the Dual Language program? What are the expectations?

    Students who participate in dual-language programs have high academic achievement rates, transfer the first language abilities to a second language and become bi-lingual, bi-literate and bi-cultural. A great intercultural relationship is fostered between the children that participate as they gain a healthy respect for their own and other cultures. The program helps to build a school and community with stronger intercultural relations.