• Late Arrivals & Early Pick Up


    School Hours 8:00 am - 3:20 pm
    Late Arrivals
    Students are marked tardy at 8:01 am
    Students arriving after 8:19 am will be considered excessively tardy, resulting in a partial absence. Please ensure that a medical excuse note is submitted when arriving late. If the tardiness is not due to a medical appointment, a written excuse can be submitted and may be excused upon principal approval.

    Pickup Times  

    Students are expected to remain at school from their arrival until the end of the school day at 3:20 p.m.

    In the event that a student needs to leave early, a parent/guardian must provide proper identification and check the student out of school.If you designate a person to pick up your child, the designee must present a picture ID and be listed on your child’s contact information.

    If your student has an appointment or needs to leave early, be sure to arrive before 2:30 p.m., pickups after 2:30 p.m. will have to wait till the school bell rings at 3:20 p.m. 

    For students with appointments or early departure needs, a doctor's note must be submitted to excuse the partial absence. In cases of early pickup due to a family emergency, please provide a written excuse, and the partial absence may be excused upon principal approval.