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    Sunset High School 

    NAF Academy of Finance 


    Interested in Joining SUNSET NAF? Click to fill-out this form 


    • The academy, designed as a four-year high school experience, has an open and equitable student enrollment process that results in a student body that reflects the demographics of its community. 

      A partnership of the National Academy Foundation () and DISD gives students exposure to Career Prep, Industry Internship Oppertunities, Scholorships and much more.

      Description:  NAF is a national network of education, business and community leaders who work together to
      ensure high school students are college, career and future ready. NAF's educational design
      ignites students' passion for learning and gives businesses the opportunity to shape America's
      future workforce by transforming the learning environment to include industry-specific
      curricula and work-based learning experiences, including internships. NAF has grown from one
      NAF Academy of Finance in New York to over 700 academies across the country focusing on
      growing industries. To learn more about NAF visit NAF.org.

      NAF Academy of Finance (AOF) curriculum is created in partnership with industry professionals
      and is designed around projects that help students make connections across subject areas,
      acquire valuable workplace skills, and see their education as a step toward long-term career

      This program connects high school students with the world of financial services, offering a
      curriculum that covers Business, Marketing, Finance, Accounting, Financial Analysis and
      Securities/Investments. Students will participate in a variety of experiences to enhance
      classroom learning, including work-based learning activities, field trips, guest speakers, and
      cooperative learning projects.


      What's in it for the NAF Academy of Finance Student?
      Exposes students to careers in finance and business
      Small "learning community"
      Network with business leaders
      NAF Alumni network
      Scholarship opportunities
      Real business and networking skills
      Internship - Summer between Junior & Senior year
      Learn job interview skills
      Develop problem-solving, collaboration and other business-related skills
      Earn NAFTrack Certification
      NAF Honor Cord at Graduation (Must complete all requirements)
      NAFTrack Certification

      Students in the Academy of Finance program at Sunset High School have the opportunity to
      earn NAFTrack Certification. NAFTrack Certification gives students select job interview
      opportunities at many large prestigious businesses. Visit NAF.Org to find out more about the
      NAFTrack benefits and NAFTrack Certified Hiring.

      Extra-Curricular Activities: DECA (Distributive Education Clubs of America, www.deca.org)

      k Follow us on Twitter: @AOF_NAF


      • Clinton Davis - CTE Department
        • Accounting I (11th grade)
      • Vacant - CTE Department 
        • Business Information Management Systems (10th grade) 
        • Financial Analysis (12th grade)
      • Joel Salas - CTE Department
        • Principles of Business Marketing and Finance, (9th grade) 
        • Practicum in Marketing (12th Grade)


      Course Sequence 

      • Principles of Business, Marketing and Finance, 9th grade
      • Business Information Management Systems, 10th grade 
      • Accounting I, 11th grade
      • Financial Analysis/Co-op, 12th grade