• General Information

    At James Bowie Elementary School, we are committed to creating a learning community that fosters the development of our student's ability to be lifelong learners and to achieve above national and state standards. Our staff is accountable to our students and each other to ensure improved measurable results.

    Mission Statement

    Educating · Empowering · Evolving


    Solidly grounded in our commitment to developing our school, community, and the pursuit of excellence for all.

    Value Statement

    Roaring to success through a practice of teamwork, flexibility, and collaboration.

    For 2022 James Bowie Elementary received an overall statewide accountability rating of A (91). James Bowie also received the following ratings: Student Achievement B (80), School Progress A (90), Academic Growth B (89), Relative Performance A (90), Closing the gap A (100). Our campus achieved distinctions in the following categories: ELA / Reading, Mathematics, Science, Closing the gaps, and Post-Secondary Readiness. 
    We promote parent involvement by hosting monthly parent meetings and encouraging parents to participate on the Site-Based Decision Making Committee, in the PTA, and as volunteers.