• Learning at Home

    Sometimes its difficult to figure out what we can be doing to help our children from home. With all the pressures of our professional lives mixed in with our personal lives, home can be the most demanding part of our day.
    Hopefully, this section will make it a little easier for you to find quick solutions to otherwise, what might seem like an impossible mission. We will do our best to keep you supplied with tips and tricks that you can do at home on weekends, holiday breaks or in the evenings while your cooking dinner that will bridge the learning between school and home. Check it out!

    Parent TipsBoredom Busters



        The following is not an exhaustive list nor is it a recommendation of any specific product. It is intended to provide examples of instructional resources.

        Organizational Apps

        Google Mobile (free)

        Search the web (using Google) with voice, access Google account
          iReward ($)

        Keep up with homework, chores, and other tasks. Setup includes adding rewards and points.
         Reading Apps
        Kindle for iPhone (free)
        Download and read Kindle books
        Read for Me! ($)

        This app allows students to take a picture of the text to be read and the application will read aloud.
         Story Kit (free)

        Create a story with drawings, photos, and text entered through typing and voice recording.

        Wikipanion (free)

         Access Wikipedia using a non-cluttered screen and have access to an online dictionary for any word in the article. Search Wikipedia using word prediction

         Teaching Apps
        Bob Books #1-Reading Magic ($)

        This app teaches young students early phonics
        Firstwords Deluxe (free)

        This interactive app provides students with spelling practice while working on listening skills and building their vocabulary.
        Interactive Alphabet ($)

        This is an interactive app that allows students to hear words, letters, and phonics sounds while matching to letters. This app also teaches upper and lower case letters.

        iSpy Phonics ($)

        This app provides a fun and highly interactive way to help students learn to recognize letters and their phonic sounds.
        iWrite Words ($)

        Trace the formation of letters and numbers.
         Writing Apps
        Dragon Dictation (free)

        Dictate using the built-in microphone.

        Dragon Search (free)

        Search the web with voice recognition capabilities.

        MindMeister (free)

        Create mind maps (also called concept maps) and share on the web.