• Freshman On Track Intiatives


    To create an engaging and interactive environment that supports the academic and non-academic needs of our students.


    The purpose of the Freshman Centers program is to improve the percentage of original ninth-grade

    students staying on track to graduate with cohort by providing an opportunity for ninth-grade students who previously

    failed or are currently failing in traditional coursework to recover course credits.

    Program Overview

    • An engaging learning environment that promotes positive social skills and academic achievement.
    • An opportunity for ninth graders who previously failed or are currently failing to recover credits using aligned digital curriculum with support from a certified teacher.

    Program Sites

    • All Comprehensive High School Campuses

    Program Components

    • Daily Direct Teach
    • Recover Credits as a focus
    • Weekly progress monitoring check in

    Freshman On-track Eligibility

    • Ninth graders who did not earn enough credits (5) to be classified as 10th graders.(out of cohort)/9th graders
    • Second semester 9th and 10th graders who are currently failing courses.

    Student Enrollment

    • Students must be enrolled by their counselors via PowerSchool
    • Parent/guardian of Freshman On-Track Initiative enrollee must be contacted by counselor and agree to placement in Freshman On-Track program.
    • Counselors are required to provide completed Freshman On-Track Initiative enrollment form along with an academic achievement record.