Local Accountability System for Campus Success

How will schools be measured under the LAS?

  • Schools will be measured on the following six indicators of success:
    For 2022 LAS Rating Calculations Only (data from 2021-2022)

    50% - State Accountability 60%
    State Accountability measures how well a school’s students perform on the State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness. 

    Domain 1 - Student Achievement
    Domain 2 - School Progress

    Best of Domain 1 or 2 - 35%

    Domain 3 - Closing the Gaps - 15%

    50% - Local Accountability 40%
    Local Accountability is factored in for campuses with a state rating of C or better.

    Domain 4 - Academics - 30% 0% Not available for 2022 LAS
    The School Effectiveness Index (SEI) is the district’s value-added growth model, which shows whether a school is growing the students it enrolls, regardless of their incoming baselines. The SEI is a good indicator of how effectively a school provides instruction. A guiding principle of Dallas ISD’s LAS is that how much a student grows is more important than where a student starts.

    Domain 5 - Culture and Climate - 10% 20%
    Staff Climate Survey - 5% 10%
    The survey provides information on what teachers and staff think about their school’s priorities, culture of feedback and support, and health of the working environment.
    Parent/Guardian Survey - 5% 10%
    Every year, schools ask parents and guardians for feedback about the school’s academic program, environment and communication with families.

    Domain 6 - Student Engagement - 10% 20%
    Student Survey - 5% 10%
    The survey provides information on what students think about their school’s instruction, engagement, culture, and environment.
    Extracurricular Participation - 5% 10%
    Measures student participation in at least one extra- or co-curricular activity.