• SAT and ACT Information

    The SAT and ACT are standardized tests designed to assess a student's academic readiness for college. Test scores are one of many factors that colleges consider when making their admission decisions.

    Why should I take the ACT?
    Why should I take the ?
    - a comparison by The Princeton Review®
    • Students applying to 4-year colleges should take the SAT and/or ACT, and in an effort to increase college admissions rates, the 鶹pays for all juniors to take the SAT in the spring. 
    • The district funds test prep courses annually, allowing high school students to receive SAT test prep at no cost.

    The ACT is an assessment created and administered by ACT, Inc. and is one of the exams used to gain entrance into a four-year university, obtain scholarships, and/or assess their college and career readiness. In an effort to meet the testing needs of our students across the District, below you will find ACT testing sites, testing codes, registration deadlines, and testing dates for the 2024-2025 school year. 鶹has two testing locations for Saturdays and one identified location for Sundays. Please note, unlike recent years, 鶹will not host in-school ACT testing days, so it is critically important that seniors are well informed to participate if they choose


    For more information on ACT Testing registration, testing centers, and deadlines, please click the following link: . 

    If you have any questions or are interested in becoming an unlisted test center, please contact Vanessa De La Cruz, Post Secondary Partnerships and Programs, Coordinator, at vandelacruz@dallasisd.org or Zoraya Holmes, Counseling Services Coordinator, at ztorres@dallasisd.org

  • SAT Resources

  • ACT Resources

  • Additional Resources