Workers' Compensation

  • Workers’ Compensation is a state-regulated, no fault insurance program that provides employees with income and medical benefits if they sustain a work-related injury or illness. Workers' Compensation benefits do not pay for injuries that are intentional, self-inflicted, or result from horseplay, drug or alcohol intoxication, off-duty recreation, social or sports event, or "acts of God".

    Work Injury Reporting

    Employees who are injured or sustain an occupational illness while on duty shall report the injury or illness at the time of the occurrence to the District, or to an employee of the District who holds a supervisory/management position, regardless of whether medical care is necessary or not.

    The designated person (i.e. office manager, supervisor, etc.) is required to report the injury or illness upon notice by the employee within 24 business hours. The designated person is provided online clearance which allows them to complete and submit a "First Report of Injury".

    Light Duty Program

    鶹is proud of its employees and the work they do. Their dedicated efforts help many students to reach their potential to become successful and productive citizens. During this process, an employee may experience an injury or illness that temporarily hampers them in performing their regular job duties. It is in this instance that the District has initiated a policy which states the following:

    • Supervisors shall attempt to make short-term and reasonable accommodations for up to 30 days for employees who have been released by their physician to return to work from Workers' Compensation absence with a temporary limitation or disability. The 30-day period may be extended another 30 days if the doctor recommends it pending return to full duty. [See CRE(LOCAL)]